Dice Game Results:
where does the sleepy toe with withering glances bed down for the night? The bed is not warm. It’s fire. Coal ash crushed into wood rotted floor boards. Smears the sole. The pinecones come to life and steal your undergarments, which have begun to emit a green, bright, piercing shriek. Ears canceled until further ears are condemned to workloads. The eyes know how far it goes.
Group Haikus:
to what distance is
a car door slamming at night
bubbling catfish?
lemons shock you with feeling
beetles eat basement
eggshells draw spider
urinating property
without much help from sparrow
ice cream shock value
sharpening the sleepy teeth
and withering fast
before the swarm no
purrs broke the silence of night
the immortal spoon
asymptotic sleep
beneath the lymphatic nodes
a withered spirit
stuff me inside your marrow
how ‘bout tomorrow?
the struggle is real
however, there is no real
inside a black hole
check in the attic
for dead, dusted vertebrates
and grandfather clocks