Directions: Using the haiku structure (5-7-5), write a line, fold over to hide your line, and pass until completed. (Players: AM, SC, HC, MB, JF, K, BL)

The dog has gone south
An eclipse is just an eye
The camel cries out

A life contorted
Groggy turtles wait like rain
Ripple on frog pond

Waiting for mother
A tree and vine eloping
My eyeballs adjust

Don’t stop for strangers
Don’t be such a big chicken
The whisper of dawn

The universe sleeps
Broken semblance of decay
Death waits in sad tomb

Where does the why cry?
Betrayal, denial, loss
Truth blaring on high

The squid eternal
Because the masculine cat
The eye is bloody

The wind’s skin floats up
Eagerly the egret jumps
Distantly they sigh…

The palm of your hand
Splintered anguish held aloft
Tortured Jellyfish

An ear is seeing
Don’t you know what time it is?
Laugh off that sadness

Bracing now for war
Capitalize on losses
Never seize the day

Orange is rotten
Now we haunt the hidden dream
What a wild, wild life