The First Dream
An entity made of pure shadow is attempting to break in. It forces a sliding door open a few inches, and passes me a pizza box through the slit. The box is empty except for a small handwritten note. This note says “JOIN US.”

The Second Dream
I wake up in my bed. I am feeling uneasy, as if someone is trying to break in. I decide to walk into the living room and turn on some lights. I have great difficulty keeping awake, as if some supernatural force is trying to lull me back to sleep. My legs feel wibbly wobbly, and I can hardly stand at all. Somehow, I manage to half-walk, half-crawl my way to the living room and attempt to turn on the light, but it won’t come on. I go to the breaker box and realize it’s been torn out of the wall by someone. I push it back in and flip the switch. Suddenly, the record player comes on, playing an old 1930s song. I decide to check the front door and discover it’s unlocked. The door swings open then, and a shadow figure stands on the threshold. I fall backwards onto the floor and then wake up again, this time for “real.”

An Automatic Response
Dream of forbidden soup. Of a soup of 1 forbidden. Drink fast? Earthshake it. Red eyes, breeding catacomb. The face of the worm(s) gone delightfulish. Just like me. Ompregnation of Jesús, Jesús as a bellybleeding-full. Secret cathedral of the halfmoon and its watcher. If Shadow Man = tool? For mere weathering of the face? Then…the kindness of my imp shall never lie.