Directions: Each player drew two lines from a random source on table or phone, creating a collective poem. Players then randomized the order of lines, each with a different new order, and rewrote the poem line into its opposite.

Initial cutup:
the longest night and the wildest road
alley-oop and here we go
dust char on heater when heat is first
rapid eye disingenuous
one hand endlessly stroking the sky
an enormous candy cane impaled through its core
taken apart, we’re nothing
rally archetypes around the nerve.


K — “zen love”
everything never nothings the nether, like
crystal frost on the cool when coolness comes last —

running from what isn’t,
the smallest juice pop spearminting the hole;
the slowest you, sincerely;
bababooey and whodeewoo;
the shortest day, the blackest way —
put together, you’re my everything.

AM — “endless ether”
a minuscule bitter lozenge freed from its surroundings,
oh, woe, and there we stop.
the shortest day but the thinnest wall
discouraging madividuals away from timidness.
clean life on freezer when chills are last.
gradual blind sincerity.
assembled, we aren’t everything.
no leg finitely beating the ground.

SC — “machine-men”
disintegrating stereotypes cast off from machine men,
slow toe truthful.
shortest day or smallest jungle,
silicon fruit in ice as cold never last
rejoined alongside everything
ten toes shortly throwing underground
in tiny meat square stretched by outlier,
skyscraper-ooof and there you stop.

HC — “unready return”
the shortest day and the darkest country
unready but they come back
clean emptiness inside icy wind before cold was last
slow tongue sincere
many feet just once hitting the earth
the tiny vegetable weight removed from its skin
put together you are everything
dispersing singularities inside blood