Directions: Draw an image, and underneath it write what that image is. Pass this object to the next person and they will contradict you, writing what the object really is. Add small details if you like, to support your interpretation further, and pass on the paper on until each player has had their say.
Players: Jason Abdelhadi, Steven Cline, Casi Cline, Mattias Forshage, Aaron Dylan Kearns

2. No, this is a funny hat that looks like a cup of coffee.
3. Actually it is a miniature flying saucer carrying a sample of earth sewage posing as a hat to conserve fuel.
4. But all this is wrong, because it is really the planet earth, sliced in half and put on display along with an egg at some alien art museum. It is also beginning to smell.

- This is a tool.
- No, this is two snakes in a tube.
- Actually it is a lobster that has been working out, and doubles in various rural chores like pulling the plow.
- Wrong, it is a two headed snake wearing a lobster hat who is an indentured servant in the house of Ol Sal.

- This is an old defunct telephone.
- No, it is a camouflaged spider.
- Actually it is a lobster crushed by a telephone.
- I disagree, it is a drain pipe emptying into a sewer grate.

- This is a seahorse.
- Nope, this is the anus of an electrified flatworm.
- Actually, this is a horse head wearing a mask.
- Close, but not quite…This is the face of an electrified flatworm wearing a horse head mask of a flatworm anus. He is a bit shy.

- These are two pandas.
- No, it is a short totem pole made by a child totem pole maker apprentice who was colourblind and thus denied all colours.
- Actually, it is a child totem pole maker apprentice who is posing as a colorless totem pole in order to better understand the colors inside the center of the totem pole.
- Incorrect, it is a scruffy, fuzzy dog eating the ticks off his pal Bobby’s head in a display of canine friendship.
- But really, it is two members of FUZZ posing for a song about scruffy & the dog.

- This is an eroticized seal.
- No, it is an exchange of information among spies, one of whom is deeply undercover.
- Actually it is a denial of language disguised as communication in order to discourage the sealing of knowledge.
- In my opinion, it is an angry tumor who has grown a face, and another tumor who is in love.
- But really, this is a terrible disease caused by the misinterpretation of secret information.

- This is a screaming teenager.
- No, it is a cyclops with a fleshy protrusion and a black eye.
- Actually, it is a camouflaged periscope from a hostile submarine, designed as a screaming cyclops teenager.
- I disagree, it is a carefully disguised barnacle which lies atop a submarine and replaces the original periscope. The sailors look through its digestive tract.
- But really, it is a squealing pig.

- This is an image of tooth problems.
- No, it is a partly eaten pomegranate, maybe not entirely fresh from the beginning?
- Actually, these are kernels of corn which have infiltrated the pomegranate in order to give it a bad name.
- I disagree, I believe this is some kind of orifice that is covered in white tumor growths.
- No, this is really a kind of caterpillar, covered in white tumor growths.