Directions: Each participant is set to be adjective, noun, or verb, depending on the desired structure of the sentence. Players signal when they are ready, each saying their word our loud in the proper order.

the squeamish wistful turtle catfishes shitty soiled torture.
golden hung maps gallop glass-eyed undulating appendixes.
the titillating scoopy crib eats exsanguinating ponderous princesses.
the cutesy perfect extraterrestrial dies meowing lunar preachers.
pious epileptic lollipops exterminate fleshy cornered puppies.
the silky crispy unicorn is oinky* surreptitious blockage.
The throbbing luxurious flamboyant smarmy crystalizing diseased porcupine.

*oinky: that feeling you get around 2:30pm, when can go no longer stomach work and dream of jumping off bridge instead.

(Players: AM, K, SC, HC, MB, BL, SM)


The first round started with the old classic: write a word, fold the paper over, and have the next person write a definition blind.

Shingles: A dog without any spots.
Marshmallow: A trance involving a sensation of wind and hallucinations of light.
Cucky: The term for sex aboard an airplane.
Globule: A happy accident, or a loose bowel.
Kiwi: An irresistible itching sensation.
Triangle: A bloodless marble heart.
Epilepsy: Mischievous, troublesome, exhausting.
Pesto: The whispering you hear when you rest against a tree in the forest.
Amoeba: The art of seeing the world colored by the scent of a loud soft fish.
Siren: The reason you cry yourself to sleep at night.
Now: The squandering of all your dreams.
Chicken: The sound a dolphin makes when contemplating existence.

In the second round, we instead first wrote the definition, and then the next person created a made-up word for that definition, skipping the folding element of the previous round.

Shadowskance: The feeling that someone is standing behind you.
Brainblarg: The sensory experience of epilepsy.
Storkbillion: A sore in your mouth that you get when you talk too much about the stock market.
Gnarlgurgle: The way your stomach hurts thinking about eating a last meal before execution.
Kettlebugging: Silly socks seeking sooty satisfaction.
Burkenboogers: A type of fruit found exclusively in supermarket corners.
Xloongi: The place where idle wings in the world fly to.