First Dream: Tucked behind a door in my childhood room were the stairs to the attic. I remember one night dreaming that I was in that room in my bed, the room and myself feeling exactly as it did awake, only the attic door opened and out came a faceless witch who stood over my bed and killed me with a cold feeling. I remember waking from that dream and finding the attic door open.

First Fears: My childhood fears were comprised of being attacked by people in hiding, being eviscerated by dinosaurs, the fracturing of minutes into seconds, and falling out of trees.

Steven Cline

First Dream: Around the age of 5 I had a dream that I was inside of a large mansion, being chased by King Kong. I was hiding in the kitchen cupboards, but I knew that he would find me soon.

First fears: None that I can think of really early on. A bit later I developed a fear of demons and aliens at night. This often combined in my mind with a fear of encountering the H.R. Giger alien.

Steve morrison

First Dream: Dream that my friends were abducted by aliens in a prison in the sky. I used my cloud car to fly up and rescue them, and to get inside I had to solve a puzzle door which was based on colors.

First Fears: A fear of giants. When I learned that the characters in fairy tales were not generally real, but that Kings actually did exist, I also became afraid of Kings.

aaron dylan kearns

First Dream: A dream of a show that was Sesame Street meets Monty Python. The tagline of the show was something like “Medulla Oblongata!

First Fears: A fear of the moon. I was afraid I’d be pulled up if I looked directly at the night sky, so I’d always try to look in front of me or down to the ground when I was outside at night. I also had a fear of mirrors.

casi cline

First Dream: I am about maybe 5 or 6. It is the end of the world. Like the whole jesus coming with a trumpet thing. A deep chasm opens up in the earth with me on one side and my family on the other. At the bottom of what would be a very long fall is hell, which just looks like a bunch of people swirling around in lava. I drop my favorite childhood stuffed animal, a panda bear named Rebecca, into the hell-chasm, and I just have an overwhelming feeling of aloneness. 

First Fears: Hell, demons, cancer, atomic bombs, & torture.