Directions: Using the haiku structure (5-7-5), write a line, fold over to hide your line, and pass until completed. (Players: SC, HC, PC, AH)

In the rain big drops
My hair chewed on by donkeys
the sea slinks away

She is wishing well
Skull made of silk in my eye
Bubbly Trio

Smoke rises with mist
Midnight flight moon shines higher
Something is broken

The mourning dove flies
Whippoorwill sings in the night
She rests on the sand

Undercurrents left
A door half closed is open
Nestled in the down

Thomas meows now
The darkening day elopes
Cactus blooms in spring

Sea snail’s line leaves trails
The road stretches onward up
Ladybug laughs up

Spin the flower up
Can you see the butterfly?
Laughing gull flies away