We returned to North Dekalb Mall, only to find her dying. So we played a funeral game for her, so we poured one out for OLD MALL…


Q: What is the old mall’s afterlife like?
A: A broken wing, stuck in a splint.

Q: How will old mall exact her revenge on the new condo dwellers?
A: The ghost of William F. Buckley Jr.’s past, the one that’s half dog and half maid.

Q: Where have the mall-bats gone to roost?
A: A chimney, hungry for sky.

Q: What will old mall reincarnate as?
A: No one should have to answer that question, anyways, have you heard about Eric’s buttcheeks?

Q: Is there a parallel universe where old mall still lives?
A: A hidden thing, possibly dropped from the pocket of a small child.

Q: Where will the letters we wrote go?
A: 1865, the year that a colony of nudists invaded the local Costco.

Q: What are the last words of old mall?
A: A window with a crack that lets the cold in.