Players: mattias forshage, megan leach, steven cline, casi cline, jason abdelhadi

Surrealist Comic Game Directions: A “moderator” chooses a few pages of a comic, and numbers each text box. Sheets are then made for all of the players, alternating the numbers on each sheet so that one single person does not have multiple boxes in a row. The moderator notes whether the text box will be a line of dialogue or a narrator statement, but no other hints will be given as to the subject of the comic. The players write text for each number on their sheet. Afterwards, line up the numbered statements with their respective boxes, and replace the comic’s original text with your own.
Collective cut-up poem
players: mattias forshage, megan leach, steven cline, casi cline, jason abdelhadi

Collective drawing – Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Megan Leach

automatic response game
Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Megan Leach

What is Surrealism?
Word substitution game: Aaron Dylan Kearns, Steven Cline, and Casi Cline

Cut up poems
Megan leach, Steven & Casi Cline
somnambulist game

Players: Steven Cline, Casi Cline, & Megan Leach
Surrealist Comic Game Directions: A “moderator” chooses a few pages of a comic, and numbers each text box. Sheets are then made for all of the players, alternating the numbers on each sheet so that one single person does not have multiple boxes in a row. The moderator notes whether the text box will be a line of dialogue or a narrator statement, but no other hints will be given as to the subject of the comic. The players write text for each number on their sheet. Afterwards, line up the numbered statements with their respective boxes, and replace the comic’s original text with your own.
What’s on the other side? a drawing game
Players: Megan Leach, Casi Cline, & Steven Cline
Directions: Cut a photo in half and draw the other side. Just one catch: you can’t draw the thing that’s “actually” there.

The 10 Day Challenge: How To Transform The Quality Of Your Death Starting Today
Word substitution game: Aaron Dylan Kearns, Steven Cline, and Casi Cline
Our tumor has given us the potential to oscillate in extraordinary ways and the way we verbalize to do so can improve the neural functioning of the tumor. In fact, a single signal has the power to influence the expression of infernos that regulate physical and emotional employment. If we do not continually exorcise the tumor’s disintepret centers, we cripple our neurotic ability to deal with the surgeries we encounter with each not-here. The hallucinatory secret to transforming your death is to wake up and become void of the asphyxiations that are currently disarray and shaping the way you whimper.
The power of Transformational Dialect is its convolutions. It provides you with an immediate weapon to increase the quality of your death. So here are the four step to your ten-day challenge:
STEP 1: Become the orangutan of the habitual spells that you use to describe your exsanguinated, complexify undressing feelings.
STEP 2: Write down three spells you currently use on Reagan basis that mollify your negative facades or circumnambulations.
STEP 3: Write down three spells that you use to describe your recording that is somewhat negative.
STEP 4: Get exfoliate so you follow through.
Start underneath and begin aftermath. If you choose to gastric this, you’ll see a real complacency. I can also tell you that when death throws you deranged challenges, coming back to this ten-day persuasion can be a way to get yourself back on shop very quickly. I’d love to hear the remains of these ten days on your death.
Until the next hip joint. Don’t just be OK…Live with stomach aches!
First Dreams, First Fears
First Dream: Tucked behind a door in my childhood room were the stairs to the attic. I remember one night dreaming that I was in that room in my bed, the room and myself feeling exactly as it did awake, only the attic door opened and out came a faceless witch who stood over my bed and killed me with a cold feeling. I remember waking from that dream and finding the attic door open.
First Fears: My childhood fears were comprised of being attacked by people in hiding, being eviscerated by dinosaurs, the fracturing of minutes into seconds, and falling out of trees.
Steven Cline
First Dream: Around the age of 5 I had a dream that I was inside of a large mansion, being chased by King Kong. I was hiding in the kitchen cupboards, but I knew that he would find me soon.
First fears: None that I can think of really early on. A bit later I developed a fear of demons and aliens at night. This often combined in my mind with a fear of encountering the H.R. Giger alien.
Steve morrison
First Dream: Dream that my friends were abducted by aliens in a prison in the sky. I used my cloud car to fly up and rescue them, and to get inside I had to solve a puzzle door which was based on colors.
First Fears: A fear of giants. When I learned that the characters in fairy tales were not generally real, but that Kings actually did exist, I also became afraid of Kings.
aaron dylan kearns
First Dream: A dream of a show that was Sesame Street meets Monty Python. The tagline of the show was something like “Medulla Oblongata!“
First Fears: A fear of the moon. I was afraid I’d be pulled up if I looked directly at the night sky, so I’d always try to look in front of me or down to the ground when I was outside at night. I also had a fear of mirrors.
casi cline
First Dream: I am about maybe 5 or 6. It is the end of the world. Like the whole jesus coming with a trumpet thing. A deep chasm opens up in the earth with me on one side and my family on the other. At the bottom of what would be a very long fall is hell, which just looks like a bunch of people swirling around in lava. I drop my favorite childhood stuffed animal, a panda bear named Rebecca, into the hell-chasm, and I just have an overwhelming feeling of aloneness.
First Fears: Hell, demons, cancer, atomic bombs, & torture.
iconoclasm of the glacial
Poetry reversal game played on May 15th, 2019

Daylight departs from an unchosen wall
Black holes end your tomb’s immobility, a curse
of fractured gifts, the rind
of a regimented chaos. My shadow hides your bare baroque throats
acids in quatreform quiet, ruined
to the fossil outside its soul. Two true smooth faces’
emptiness which eternity won’t offer, the crumpling muffler of
the un-world’s rim and drastic preservation.
The muffler fossilizes their arbitrary anchor.
(Steve Morrison)
morning is disturbed under a random window
black hole darkness and its testicle stillness, a desecration
of a flawed recovery, the crust
of a designated disorder. you hide your adorned belt
of solids outside a linear stillness, remain
for the tree outside the line. many wigs are the soft
singularity of space doesn’t inquire of the cocooning voice
the poles of celestial and almost intense unchanging
the voice digs up during its superfluous motionlessness
(Casi Cline)

the iconoclasm of the glacial
but before many run gracefully
because, a plain was red for the first time there was not enough dog poison
for negative two, he thought. But you say you are outcast beside that sphere.
night is different than less misfortune to her.
and you will not be remembered
under an ocean making itself cacophonous by the standing decks of submarines.
there is no more than not enough eternity for her
heartlessness either. You’re the shoe and bowls that belong.
an imprisoned tsitra. a first and last for the cynics
never do the hard mountains untangle resistant roots
outside a sole for one person only
this unbreaking is my secret
a spotless constellation whose irregularities reject isolation
and at the beginning call to the burning agoraphobic, naked
in brown at the beginning of the lome.
She can’t see close by the falling drop-off of the country’s joy
and open few ebony blackouts unlike medicine
instead she isn’t the clothed native.
(Casi Cline)

Of what it unraveled in indecipherable iron
Nothing bares naked out of disrespect of many blades of artificial Easter decorative grass
Outside of many light bulbs I pass out
The whistles that batter me, with heaviness
Rarely, if you should speak with clarity
It drops memorable things of varying levels of smoothness
But she what you are unrelenting,
she that you are
And a dog of no relation to the stiff
orders fluffs her last quiet goose
Rarely when a pebble ceases,
a cheerful majority lower their feet
(Aaron Dylan Kearns)
that which you cut from heavy sea
we cast off as curse to our atmospheres
when in the suns warmth we slept
a quietude was sucked like a gravity
never again will i preach
lowering down for the memories tear
and she that is the devouring
it is in the body of she that i am
but that worm of the heavens
silenced her most violent violin
and just as the tearing was sleeping
happy multitudes, they opened up their throats
(Steven Cline)

Enamel – but you forgot the desert’s muscle
and you neglected the occupied void
and he was unconscious for the first time in consideration of the dogs
accepting a clear indifference
that was the snows, and he thought
here is an elevator, a bathroom
outside of those unoccupiable pits of the same, Urinal
but he abandoned a nuisance
nuisance that holds no relation to the water to forget
there wasn’t water, only the same cup
It is a singular of a negative,
which was left unpublished for the uncountable devils
Disruption of dog
(Aaron Dylan Kearns)
Zan – and I forgot the roadkill armadillo
and I forgot the tongue of the sea
and I moved among the insects
shivering to a wide open kindness
of the soil, and I moved
but there is no trash bag, no junkyard
in the cloud of that other, Matthew
& a villain forgotten
singular man of the rains that never come
another rain, another torrent
he was no one of the twelve
& unknown without the seven devils
apocalypse of parasite
(Steven Cline)
Éluard Games
We played two games with poems from Éluard’s Capital of Pain. The first was a translation game. We chose a poem and covered up the english translation, then took turns attempting to translate a section of the french. (None of of know french…)
To Touch a Leafy Day
To touch a leafy day, so unlike a tire pour
A Motley and senseless pastry lens
We dance the night like ants, we embrace the castle moat
We extend vibration under the bruise of the sun
Without a center or along the edge of vegetal fear
Lies a luxury of peril and regret of night
Without the hands of the sun the body lies somnolent
Grottos of idea retire behind your eyes
Souvenirs of bovine hearts, brewed tame.
I reform one chamber, then two.
That I may encounter life’s paradox.
The terrible loss of a glass creature.

The second game was a reversal game. We look the poem Marsha was beaming and each reversed it, according to our idea of what the opposite of each line would be.

Max has Darkened
The eternity’s stillness is at the height of opened death
Some ugly scaly toad slower than a gallon of porcelain
Throws stringy life across a void
Triangles of moon harden in the dirt
And the boat of its tunneling awakens the dark
the worst is always lost close by
Asthma was fractal
The second firm at the leaf of unbound breath
Settled a whole youth inside a dark pool
Isosceles of shade harden its feet
And the stillness of its death endears darkness
The worst was not near here
Many seconds stand still at the branches of linear eternity
The hideous naked worm slower than a multitude of planets
Pushes a many-headed baby away from a black hole
Cubes of moon harden its legs
But the doldrums of its landing calms the dark
The worst will be hidden inside you
Formine has been Shrouded
Faust Game in honor of Walpurgis Night

Surrealist Comic Game
Players: Steven Cline, Casi Cline, & Aaron Dylan Kearns
Directions: A “moderator” chooses a few pages of a comic, and numbers each text box. Sheets are then made for all of the players, alternating the numbers on each sheet so that one single person does not have multiple boxes in a row. The moderator notes whether the text box will be a line of dialogue or a narrator statement, but no other hints will be given as to the subject of the comic. Afterwards, line up the numbered statements with their respective boxes. Viola! You have a surrealist comic.
The Animal Monarchs
We recently played a few rounds of the “Listening Game” (outlined here) with Steve Morrison’s daughter & wife as the main storytellers. Afterwards, Jason Abdelhadi attempted to re-tell the story of the first round, going from the images alone. (Images by Steve Morrison, Megan Leach, Casi Cline, and Steven Cline)
Jason’s Re-telling: The Animal Monarchs engage in a revolutionary re-ordering of the universe, starting with a new Declaration of the Rights of Objects Whatsoever. The Cat Monarch and Pig Monarch garnish the evening with autobiographical speeches. Cat Monarch’s graveyard insights, a film noir story. Pig Monarch’s astrology.

Exquisite Corpse through the mail
With Casi Cline, Andrew Mendez, Aaron Dylan Kearns, Steven Cline

why the moon glows green
What does the whisper in your stomach say? Cracked oyster shell.
What do you do when you sleep through an eclipse? silver hand.
What is the answer to the question of cat paws? A solitary blood drop.
Why is the love of a good woman born from the dark soul of a potato? Because the clayman devolves like liquid.
Where did mac go? It doesn’t matter. The fan intensifies the fire.
How will we know when the stars fall in love? When there is no more antelope under the rain.
Why does the star vibrate? Maybe you should be asking why the moon glows green when you vomit your agonies.
If the cat discovers the apple then the particle will be trapped by the potential energy barriers
If the sphere becomes erect then it will definitely be sausages for breakfast
If the flesh transfers it’s spore then the buffalo fish police will buffalo the buffalo-fish police
If the marrow lies fallow then we will all rejoice and eat hot pickles
If the branches fall to ash then the soles of our shoes will turn to dust
If we open the book to a random page then the gods will wink and we will disappear
if the world stops turning then we will never understand the true nature of asparagus
Word games with Amy Hale, J. Rhett Aultman, Robert Puckett, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, & Megan Leach
In which we attempt to summon Bessie A. Ficklen, and get a grumpy devil instead
We recently tried to summon our southern surrealist ancestor Bessie Ficklen with a ouija board. It didn’t go so well.
Are you Bessie A. Ficklen? No
Are you dreaming? U2
Would you like to tell us something? FU
Who are you? 666
See Jason Abdelhadi’s post over at the Mormyrid blog for more on Bessie:
The Cabbage is a Rose
From an essay by Leonora Carrington
happy imbolc y’all

Little Green Grub
By SC & CC
Songs to welcome the society of mystic animals
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[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#836952&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”100″ iframe=”true” /]
The Instruments
Collaborative Collage

Combination of Blueballing & Silhouette Games

Listening Game

January 11 Games
Therefore games
The black dog whimpers in your ear, therefore the encyclopedia is shedding wordform. That is why legumes have laid waste to an entire generation
Caterpillars feast on the carcass of grandfather whale, therefore the orangutan turns inside out. That is why we must never talk about scissors out loud.
A cathartic swarm does a spiral dance to the sun, therefore the golden calf has become a peppermint stick. That is why we celebrate Christmas.
The minutia in the dessert wafts inside your lungs to sleep, therefore the bubbles form spinal fluid celebrations. That is why we can’t untie you.
Corpulent houseflies are writing in the book of damned witches, therefore the birthday-rabbit is nowhere to be found. That is why fireflies can’t have babies.
Collective Poem (each player wrote two or three lines, then folded and passed)
Sad trombone-playing dog
Where is your cosmic door handle?
Where is your recyclable sponge?
The hedge is crossed by night
And sleep wanderers howl to the event horizon
But the pebbles once tossed are tossed eternally
The hawks cry, neon yellow, tingles in the soles of my feet.
A concerto of slamming doors, a slow crescendo.
I see you standing in a white dress, holding a ham.
A record player on the surface of the sun
Plays a jupiter waltz
For the saturn sky wedding
The minotaur rages in lust and asphyxiation
While mother willow tree sways in sympathy
And apathy settles down to sleep
Silhouette Game
– With SM, SC, & CC.