Directions: Each player in turn draws onto the same sheet of paper with their eyes shut. The players are permitted to see what the others have drawn as the paper is passed around, but must keep their eyes closed when it is their turn to draw. The paper is circulated until all the players agree that the drawing is finished. Each player then gives an interpretation of the image. In this variation on the game, we each wrote one sentence of a haiku structure describing the drawing, folded over to hide our line, and passed on until all 3 lines had been completed. (Players: SC, HC, BS, BL, MB)

Silly Potato
Palm runner defies the sun
Grump-boy floats up up

Yellow brick road opens
Stinky baby on the go
Come on home my dood

Pastry you love me
Existential Bakery
And his labors end

Frog decides the doom
Frog king snorts a trail of thorn
Ants, ants, ants, a feast!

Violence in space
Surfer boy & Miracle
The sun got gets mad