Directions: Each player is one part in a huge machine, and decide silently what noise their own particular machine part makes. When everyone is ready, all begin making their noise at the same time. Afterwards, discuss collectively what shape, function, and origin this machine might have. Once the discussion has ended, draw your idea of the machine’s form.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]CHARACTERISTICS
• Large and round, lots of long arms and things that reach out
• Steam Powered
• Hydraulic processes that occur sometimes, but not always
• Some kind of snipping action
• Small round orbs come out and spin fast, like a weather vane
• Trudging along on long legs
• Is a mechanical animal moves through environment and interacts with things, processes things
• Autonomous machine running under its own will
• Gigantic robotic bug with pincers
• Takes things from environment and presses them into golden bricks, makes the famous yellow brick road behind it.
• Antagonistic to surroundings, imposing its order onto the world
• Attitude of “Just doing a thing”
• Turns life into something pretty, as opposed to truly beautiful
• Giant flea?
• It seemed like a good idea at the time
• Crawling out of the center of the sun
• Organism began acquiring sticks and rocks and adding to itself, making metal parts and attaching them.
• Worked for so long that it evolved away its intelligence and fused with machine, became mindless
• Has mind but all that’s left for it to think is “I’m doing a good job!”
• Hyper focused
• Too efficient
• Programmed itself in response to an initial impulse

Players: HC, SC, AK, AM, RC