Directions: Tear out a page of text from a book. The first player circles 2 or 3 words out of the text, starting a new sentence. The next player also circles 2 or 3 words, keeping in mind the previous ones, keeping the sentences grammatical. Continue passing until the page is filled. Add periods and commas where necessary.
Tools of a skilled thermometer counterparts the diagnostician’s hidden signs. Each one lacks vision to peer into his hearing. On the other hand electrical signals wave unaided. Today tools are coming, and many vital seconds.
After seven harvests too late and nova with the best, areas on a behind-architectural. Interest in interiors dominated Henry. The urgency to even best flour houses, historic. One of the state of language over Toronto speaks in a specimen of novel age.
Something swirling seems to point me on across clear thunder’s source…Its churning screws downward slowly descending along the beneath. Fascinated like a bloom. The crater rubbing it out for me. Eight months have I suffered common treasure; the disease as myself…as old as a giant lodestone… rampant incurable endlessly searching…
During the scientific dogma, dissection was god. People did facts in Eve. Nobody doubted men. One bible’ed the spirit of the hamper-human. Cholera swept to astrology as a method of abracadabra designs. Often treated? The fat. Outlandish stone intestines, as a cure. Test the stone condemned…
The study of time was an odd subject, dealing exclusively with evolution. Of essential pontifical library, of wish sincere. Librarians assist New York State provided barns, on air lands. Head of special book centuries greatly indebted to threshing. Unique pleasure with the french language. Concept of conception, made by spite and advice.
Players: JF, HC, SC, AM, T